The Quakerdale Family Services ministry is made up of various services designed to provide assistance to individuals, couples and families, helping them to communicate and relate to each other in a respectful, caring way as well as learning to to access community support and resources. Our services are designed to identify and build on strengths, develop skills to manage situational change and access their own informal supports and resources. In 2016, our ministry touched over 300 families. In that same time-frame we discharged 175 families with a success rate of 88%.
The specific services we provide include:
Assessment Services - mental health screening of individuals or families to determine need for ongoing services.
Counseling and Therapy Services - supports individuals, couples or families in social, emotional or behavioral issues. In-home or in-office, depending on insurance or funding source.

Behavioral Health Intervention Services (BHIS) - assists individuals and families in learning ways to manage mental health issues by teaching social skills, anger management, communication, problem-solving and communication. Typically in-home.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy - therapy using horses to help individuals, couples and families recognize behavior and patterns to create solutions.
Functional Family Therapy - a short term therapy model that assists families in better managing their challenges, environment and relationships. Typically in-home.
Family Team Decision Making and Youth Transition Decision Making Meetings - a service to help families or youth create a support plan to address the issues they are facing or to help youth transitioning to self-sufficiency.
Stay informed … coming up next...meet our staff!